Thursday, December 22, 2011
Handmade Gift: Beanbags for the "Duo"
When Madelin started having spelling tests, the teacher in me thought that it would be a good idea to make the kids beanbags for Christmas (one letters set and one numbers set). I thought that they would be great teaching/learning tools. The alphabet set for learning A-Z, spelling names and words; the numbers set for learning to count, to add and subtract and anything else the kids came up with.
I made the blue bag for the letters, green bag for the numbers.
I used scrap fabric for the letters, numbers and the bags. All that I had to buy was the beans for the bags.
Since opening the beanbags on Christmas, the kids have used them for the hopscotch mat, putting the letters in alpha order, throwing them all over the floor and pelting them at each other!! I guess the teacher in me will have to just deal with the fact that they are BEANBAGS and it's just way to tempting to not throw them!!
Handmade Gift: Toy Car Mat for Anders
While trying to think of what to get Anders for Christmas, a toy car mat came to mind. So instead of buying one, I made one. Using canvas, craft paint (for the grass and pond), a black sharpie marker (to outline) and a yellow paint pen (for the lines on the roads) Anders now has a car mat to use for all of his cars.
An aerial view.
Handmade Gift: Hopscotch for Madelin
I came upon a hopscotch mat while on Pinterest and thought to myself: I can make that, Madelin would really enjoy it, it would be a great Christmas gift and it's great for this time of year! After doing a little researching online, I figured out what materials I was going to use.
I bought the canvas at Joann's, cut a rectangle out of a cereal box (to trace for the hopscotch rectangles), used craft paint for the numbers and outline of the rectangles and used paint pens to outline the numbers. I also splattered some yellow paint on it for a little extra color!
I must say that I was quite surprised at how much Madelin has enjoyed it! :)
Handmade Gift for Madelin's Teacher
Pretty much every part of this gift was handmade...the treats, the hand-painted jar and the gift tag.
So I saw the chocolate covered Oreos idea on Pinterest. I probably should have read how to make them...I thought it would be fairly easily and could make them without any directions. BUT it was a can kind of tell that in the picture. Anyways, I made some more that looked a lot better (thus being the reason why they are white chocolate covered in the picture below - oops! :)).
I make the chocolate covered pretzels every Christmas. They are easy to make and yummy! :)
I put m & m's in a jar, placed the treats in a jar, put the jar in a cellophane bag, added a Starbucks gift card to the bag and tied the bag with a piece of scrap fabric. The gift tag was created by the illustrator of my mom's book.
Handmade Gift for Madelin's Classmates
Back in August (you know, pre-Kate), I volunteered to be Madelin's class "room mom." Luckily, I haven't had to do much. I volunteered to do the treat bags for the holiday party and instead of buying treat bags, I wanted to make my own. I know, big surprise!! :) What can I say, crafting keeps sane!
And here they are...
I used paper grocery bags, cut them in two pieces (4 1/2" x 6") for the "gift." I sewed the two pieces together, leaving one end open to fill with candy, then sewed it shut but left one corner open for easy access.
I created the pompoms with yarn.
Voila! A treat bag for "next to nothing" (except for a bit of my time ;)).
Saturday, December 3, 2011
"You is Awesome!"
No, this typically not how I speak! ;)
Anders and Madelin had played in the first snow of the season earlier in the day...
Later that day Anders wanted to go back outside; he had his boots on and gloves and was ready to go. He asked me where I got his boots from and I told him, "the store." He quickly exclaimed, "You is awesome!!" I then explained to him that it was too cold to go out and that it was going to be dark. He was quite disgruntled by this, so I told him I would bring the snow inside for he and Madelin to play with.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
ChRiStMaS: Another "K" Joins the Bunch
Here's to the beginning of all posts related to Christmas...
We decorated for Christmas last weekend and figured it just wasn't right to not have a stocking for Kate. So another "K" joins the bunch; Madelin was quite concerned that there was already another "K" stocking and suggested we do "E" for Emiline. :)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Purple Stars
An outfit full of purple stars for Miss Kate...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Pumpkin Art
A carved pumpkin, painted pumpkins, a pumpkin family and a pumpkin gift for Madelin's teacher...
Chris (he doesn't usually dress-up for carving pumpkins, it was a Sunday :)) and the kids getting ready to carve "the big one."
The kids (no, that's not Kate, that's the neighbor girl) painting their pumpkins. Thanks to the neighbor girl Kate's was painted, too! :)
front row: Kate, Anders, Madelin and yes, I am the warty one!!!
This is the gift for Mad's teacher. I found it here and had to make it. Minus the candy, everything was already in my house...wire, craft paint and a cleaned out salsa jar. Score!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Super-Madelin, Not-So-Super-Anders and a Sweet Little Leopard
Dressing up three kids for Halloween is quite a feat, especially if two of them are not having it at all! Thus, is the case in the picture below.
Weeks ago Madelin wanted to be a cheerleader then decided on a super-hero. And I thought what a great idea (two easy costumes to make)...Anders can be one too because he refers to himself as "Super-Anders" and can be heard running around the house saying " the rescue!" And thanks to my mom, Kate was decked out in leopard gear.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
A Hansen family favorite...Poppy's Pumpkin Patch near Norfolk. Less evil and spooky stuff and more naturey attractions.
Apples, Some Flowers and Pumpkins, Too...
There's nothing quite as gratifying as picking your own apples and having lots of them to eat and bake with. It's those simple things in life for us... :)
Got to love those bright zinnias and those smiling faces.
The duo walking through the orchard. Notice Madelin's sweet outfit, she's dressed appropriately for a warm day (yes, those are rain boots)! ;)
Now, that is a good apple!
The trio posing for mommy with some girl's backside in the shot, thanks girl!! As some guy said to us, "Do you think she (referring to Kate) will remember her first trip to the Apple Orchard?" I wanted to say, "Um yeah, dude, probably not!!" but held my tongue, smiled and said something a little more polite. :)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"The Hansen Duo," Plus One
How is it possible that Kate is four weeks old? Yes, four weeks old!! And I know the weeks are only going to go faster and faster from here; I must say I won't miss the crying/screaming but I will miss the joy of a tiny one! Here's a look at the last four weeks...
These Hansen kids don't come small!
Anders wanted nothing to do with sitting by the girls...I'm sure this won't be the last time!
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